When people think of healthy boundaries, a lot of the boundaries they think about are emotional or physical in nature: relationships, privacy, physical space, job roles, family roles, and the list goes on. All of these have a very personal feel to them. But nothing is as personal and as touchy a subject to others as money.
So today we're going to do a little financial boundary inspection. Below I'm going to ask you 10 questions about your financial boundaries. In a notebook, jot your answers down and, one by one, I'll address the DOs and DONTs of each question in a daily post.
Here they are:
1) What are your financial goals? How specific are they?2) What's your method for budgeting? How well is it working for your financial goals?
3) What scares you most about money?
4) Where do you feel financial insecurity and how are you handling it?
5) What is most of your money being spent on? Is it the thing that will get you where you want to be long term?
6) How much debt do you have? How does it make you feel?
7) If you could change one thing about your finances, what would you change?
8) If you are in a relationship, how often do you communicate about money? How productive are those conversations?
9) When you look at your financial reality today, where is this present bringing you five years from now? Is that where you want to be?
10) What financial boundaries do you need to set so that you arrive at a financially wealthier and healthier place in the next year?
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